Sunday, 17 April 2016

Levels of Communication in an Organization

Levels of Communication in an Organization 

Communication is used extensively in the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Almost every task that a manager performs requires the use of communication in one form or another.The nature of communication in the modern organization can be studied by observing the direction of communication flow and the destination of the communication. While communication in the modern organization flows downward, upward, and the horizontal.

1.      Downward Communication:
Downward communication flows from people at higher levels to those at lower levels in the organizational hierarchy. The primary function of downward communication is to inform employees about things important to them such as:
        1) Information about their jobs:
         2) Organizational policies and procedures Feedback about their performance
         3) Organizational goals and objectives:
The types of downwards communication may include instructions, speeches, meetings, announcements, letters, pamphlets, company newsletters, policy statements, and procedures.
For downward communication some use written communication, others use oral communication.
Employees want to know about their benefits - health care, insurance, promotions, pensions, training, work environment, retirement, etc. etc.

2.      Upward Communication:
Upward communication travels from subordinates to superiors and continues up the organizational stairs.
Upward communication is extremely important, as upper management needs to know specifically about:Production performance, marketing information, financial data, what lower-level employees are thinking, and so on.

3.      Lateral Communication:
It includes horizontal flow of information, with people on the same or similar organizational levels, and diagonal flow, with people at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. The lateral communication is used to speed up information flow, to improve understanding, and to coordinate efforts for the achievement of organizational objectives.
Effective lateral communication between peers is essential in organizations to solve problems, perform job duties, prepare for meetings, listening to and making requests, writing notes and discussing and writing about projects

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