What is meant by Normalization and its steps?
The process of decomposing relations with anomalies to
produce smaller and well structured relations.
Steps in Normalization:
three main steps of normalization are listed below.
refers to "normal form."
The following
three NFs exist but are rarely used:
First Normal form (1NF):
A database is in first normal form if it
satisfies the following conditions:
- Contains
only atomic values
- There
are no repeating groups (multi valued attributes).
- A
relation is in first normal form if every attribute in every row can
contain only one single (atomic) value.
- A
primary key is defined.
Student (first name, Name, knowledge)
The attribute Skills can contain multiple values and
therefore the relation is not in the first normal form. But the attributes Name
and Surname are atomic attributes that can contain only one value.
2nd Normal form (2NF):
A relation is in second normal form if it is in 1NF
Every non key
attribute is fully functionally dependent on the primary key.
Example: Student
(IDSt, StudentName, IDProf, ProfessorName, Grade)
The following functional dependencies exist:
1. The attribute ProfessorName is functionally dependent on
attribute IDProf (IDProf --> ProfessorName)
2. The attribute StudentName is functionally dependent on
IDSt (IDSt --> StudentName)
3. The attribute Grade is fully functional dependent on IDSt
and IDProf (IDSt, IDProf --> Grade)
3rd Normal form (3NF):
A relation is in third normal form if it is in 2NF
No non key attribute is transitively dependent on the
primary key.
Example: Vendor (ID, Name,
Account_No, Bank_Code_No, Bank)
The attribute ID is the identification key. All attributes
are single valued (1NF). The table is also in 2NF. The following dependencies
1. Name, Account_No, Bank_Code_No are functionally dependent
on ID (ID --> Name, Account_No,
2. Bank is functionally dependent on Bank_Code_No
(Bank_Code_No --> Bank).
4th Normal form (4NF):
normal form (4NF) is a level of database normalization where there are no
non-trivial multivalued dependencies other than a candidate key.
contain primary key.
builds on the first three normal forms (1NF, 2NF and 3NF)
It must not contain more than one multivalued
5th Normal form (5NF):
A database table is said
to be in 5NF if it is in 4NF and contains no redundant values
We can also said a table
to be in 5NF if it is in 4NF and contains no join dependencies.
The process of converting
the table into 5NF is as follows:
Remove the join
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